All my days song
All my days song

I have never questioned His work of salvation in my life since… It’s a small detail when it happened and under whose influence, but for me it was the tenderest touch from God. That last time I questioned whether I truly belonged to God or not, it was settled, once and for all…during a sermon by Richard Owen Roberts. As a teenager, in my 20s, and then in my mid-30s. Three other times in my life I was struck with the question of was I truly saved or was I still separated from God by the sin in my life. I responded to God’s wooing as a nine-year-old, with a 9 y/o sensibility and understanding. To go back over the experience of how God persistently drew each of us to Himself was a joyous reminiscence. One highlight, in particular, during our long, leisurely conversation was our salvation experiences. It reminded us of how easy in today’s serious world, we forget to see and experience the joy God gives. We laughed and laughed…in fact, just laughing was its own sweet element of our visit. Their joy and faith are a constant marker for us in this life of days.

all my days song

As we caught up on each other’s lives, we swapped stories about marriage, children and grandchildren, friends, and work. They live out of town so our visits are rare and sweet.

all my days song

Yesterday, we had the delight of having lunch with some dear friends, a bit older than us. Its other benefit is to stir up a greater resolve to keep a sure course in life. It can lead us to seek forgiveness and to make restitution when possible. The truth is regret doesn’t change anything. We get to a certain age and realize there are a lot more days behind us than in front.

all my days song

Lately, my favorite radio station has been regularly airing Casting Crowns‘ song God of All My Days. More importantly, God is the God of all those days. Throughout Scripture, we hear the message that we are all given a number of days. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! – Psalm 139:15-17 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth Your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.

All my days song